Commitment - Ambition - Dedication

JUNE TRAINING DATES WITH HELEN MARTIN BHSI We are pleased to be able to announce the following June clinic dates with He…


We are pleased to be able to announce the following June clinic dates with Helen Martin BHSI. All clinic dates will have groups suitable for all abilities and ages.

Sunday 3rd June Gridwork and Pole work Clinic at Stockley Farm. Please let us know whether you would like to book in for grids or poles when booking in. Session lasts for one hour. Groups of 4, £25 per horse per session.

Sunday 17th June Cross Country Clinic at Rabson Manor. Sessions last for one hour. Groups of 4. £45 per horse per session to include discounted course hire.

All of the clinics we run are a great opportunity to build confidence in horses and riders. Even if you are not planning on competing come and have some fun.

Please email
or call/text 07818 277921 to book your place.


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