Commitment - Ambition - Dedication

Saturday 9th December 2017- Gridwork clinic with Helen Martin BHSI (nee Cole), to be held in the large all weather arena…

Saturday 9th December 2017- Gridwork clinic with Helen Martin BHSI (nee Cole), to be held in the large all weather arena at Stockley Farm, Nr Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 0NT. This clinic will help build both horse and rider confidence as well as helping improve the horses technique over a fence.
Groups for all abilities and ages. Session will last 1hour. Groups of 4, £20 per horse.
To book your place please call/text 07818 277921 or email Please also let us know your level of experience so we can place you in the right group. Times will be emailed out 3 days prior to the clinic


3 comments on “Saturday 9th December 2017- Gridwork clinic with Helen Martin BHSI (nee Cole), to be held in the large all weather arena…

  1. Lucy Hulbert

    Bella Shaw this would be good for you and the bobster x

  2. Dora Len

    What time is it and what heights? (I am working until 1)


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